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Teaching is a wonderful thing, if it were only that. The common societal myth is that teaching is easy and "teachers have it so greatthey get off all this time for vacations...yada yada yada." The truth is mTeaching is a wonderful thing, if it were only that. The common societal myth is that teaching is easy and "teachers have it so greatuch harder to digest for most of the general public ; as they are taken aback when they learn of the incredibly overwhelming responsibility and dedication to working beyond the "Call of Duty" that is required of teachers. Though many say, "teachers get off at 3. I would kill to get that." Yes, but do you take your job home with you? Do you live your job? Have you had to halve yourself to take on a completely new culture (the teaching culture) to fit into your own already hectic life? The work day for a teacher never ends at 3PM. It is continuous throughout the night & into the weekends. Often, we are "asked" to attend professional development seminars on our weekends...ready for this...unpaid. The additional time spent working 50 - 60 hours/week 10 to 20 of those not paid is only partially made up for during the "vacation time", what the rest of the general population sees as this mighty break. In all, the time spent working evens out (barely) with the time we get off.

I do have a furthermore, in case you weren't already awakened well enough. The decline of literacy and care for use of literacy is epidemic in this country and so it is affecting every facet of our existence. The student attention span is diminished to a fraction of what it once was 20+ years ago. This compounded with both parents working & a low level of concern for actual academic achievement not only by the student but expected by the parents has begun the great spiral of societal destruction. This may seem somewhat doomsdayish, but I assure you, being on the front lines with "our future" everyday continues to darken the outlook.

One of the primary factors for this is parent involvement. Many parents will use anger & show their frustration if their child is not performing well, but they have never demonstrated the importance of their child's education. A parent can tell a child until they're blue in the face that they need to get good grades & read well, but unless a child sees the genuine emphasis on education in their homes (i.e. reading in the home, helping with and checking homework, insisting on reading over spending more time on the internet or watching TV or playing Video Games), they are doomed to continue in the desperate educational maelstrom.

There is much to be positive about in the educational setting & being a teacher, but you did not ask about that. Personally, I love teaching, unfortunately it is plagued by much that will probably never be addressed & so, it continues as a "somewhat farcical" institution. The education students receive today is minimalist compared to what it could be...if only the public really cared.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Teaching is not a well-paid career and every one has an opinion about education in the U.S.( because they all have been required to attend school). In general, the respect an educator receives is not comparable to that of a professional athlete.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The advanges of being a teacher:

-health insuarce

-vactions off (summer,Christmas,andThanksgiving)

-fun i love my job


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βˆ™ 13y ago

Not very good pay, a lot of annoying kids, long days etc.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Most teachers are on their feet for the majority of the day. Stamina is important for this profession. Teachers may also feel burned out after months of teaching and testing students.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

You have to deal with chavs

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