Get a good education and don't repeat the cycle.
In many countries the younger generation (3-8 year olds) are not taught in a way that is appealing and helpful to them, they are just asked to copy down and learn by wrote, without any understanding. Then when they get to secondary school age, they still do not have the basic skills needed to further their education, this is largely down to the government in these countries and the lack of resources.
As of last year (2012), Finland ranked first place in the education system global rankings. It was released by Pearson education firm, basing the rankings with the graduation rates from 2006 to 2010. Here is the list of countries according to their rankings:FinlandSouth KoreaHong KongJapanSingaporeUKMore information about last year's education system rankings can be found on the related link below.
Teachers in the African countries of Nigeria and Morocco have an average post-secondary education of 9.6 years compared to an average of 12 years for most Western countries. In addition, qualification for teaching can take as little as 1 year in these countries.
In a gist a child enters school when they have 5/6 years old.In Portugal you have Preschool and then School itself. School itself is divided in Basic Teaching and then High School and finally Higher Education.Preschool is not obligatory and it comprehends kindergarten and such systems.School itself starts with Ensino Básico meaning Basic Teaching. This is an obligatory period, meaning that all Portuguese child have to complete it obligatory, even though they do not want to continue studying afterwards. Ensino Básicocomprehends 3 cycles, as showed bellow:1st cycle - 1st year to 4th year (starting at 5/6 years old)2nd cycle - 5th year to 7th year (starting at 9/10 years old)3rd cycle - 7th year to 9th year (starting at 12/13 years old)At the end of the 3rd cycle students receive a Basic Education diploma.If a student pass all the years without failing a single year then the obligatory education system goes from 5/6 years old to 15/16 years old.Afterwards you have High School for the students that desire to continue their studies (most common). It is currently being discussed by the government the possibility to stretch the obligatory phase from Basic Teaching to High School.High School - 10th year to 12th year ( 15/16 to 18/19 years old)At the end you receive a High School Diploma.Then you have Higher Education, meaning University or similar. The years on Higher Education system depends on the course you're taking, so it can go from 3 to 6 years.In Portugal to get a job you need at least the 12 grade, meaning High School completed. Its very rare if not almost impossible to find a job that asks for less than High School diploma. Don't forget that this applies to non technical jobs, meaning jobs like working on a cafe or Macdonalds and such things. For more advance jobs you need a Higher Education diploma.
The three-year cycle is year A, B and C.
As of June 2014 we are in year A of the Sunday cycle, and year II of the weekday lectionary, and will be in them until the First Sunday of Advent, on 30 November 2014 when we will start year B of the Sunday cycle, and year I of the weekday cycle.
Catholic liturgical years come in three cycles for Sunday Cycle A, Cycle B, and Cycle C. . These refer to the cycle of Scripture readings used at Mass. Weekday readings are divided into Year 1 and Year 2
The basic education required to become a veterinary technician in most states is a 2-year degree in veterinary technology.
On the internet via a confirmation card you buy at the various outlets then you check.
Life cycle show the living time(in year) of the tree. Each cycle indicates One year old.
The cycle of sunspot activity.