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It dealt with schools in the New England Colonies or the young America. It required state and municipal funds to go to a public school system. Before these act all children were basically homeschooled.

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Q: What did the old deluder Satan law deal with?
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What law was passed in 1647 in Massachusetts to provide for educatoin in towns having more than 50 families?

old deluder satan law

What was the Satan deluder act?

The Old Deluder Satan Law is the term for Massachusetts School Law in 1647 making schools compulsory. It is named after the opening of the law, which declares that schools are required to allow children to learn Scripture and avoid the trap of Satan to keep them ignorant.

What is the 1647 old deluder Satan act?

The Old Deluder Act was passed in 1647 and it established the first public schools in America. The schools would teach children to read the Bible.

In colonial times the citizens passed one of its first educational laws designed to help children learn to read the Bible. What was this law called?

The Old Deluder Satan Act

What was the colonial Puritan term for Satan?

The Old Deluder was the colonial Puritan name for Satan. It was so well in use that the Puritans established a law to protect children from the Devil. The law required that once a community reached a certain sized population, the community needed to hire an expert teacher to give lessons on how to avoid being caught by Satan.

Why is the Old deluder's Satan act important in todays society?

The "old deluder" act was passed in 1647. It is important because it was the beginning of public education. Towns of 50 or more families had to pay a man to teach writing and reading in "town schools".

When did the massachusttes Puritans pass the first public education law?

The Massachusetts Puritans passed the first public education law in 1647. This law is known as the Old Deluder Satan Act and required towns with 50 or more households to hire a schoolmaster to teach reading and writing.

How many times does the word Satan appear in the Old Testament?

The word 'satan' appeared 15 times in the old testament.

Did Aleister Crowley worship the Devil?

Answer 1 Aleister Crowley was a Thelemite, not a Satanist. He did not believe in the devil. Satan is a Christian belief. Therefore, no he did not raise Satan. Answer 2 Aleister Crowley called himself "the Beast" and "666", which is spoken of in the Bible. And the Bible states that the "Beast" gets his power from the Dragon who is that old Serpent, Satan the Devil. So he did deal with Satan

How old is Shuri from 666 Satan?

== == 6,00,000 years old

What steeps did the massachustes bay colonytake to promte eduaction?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony established the first public school system in America in 1635, known as the Boston Latin School. In 1647, the colony passed the Old Deluder Satan Act, requiring every town to provide education for its citizens. This eventually led to the establishment of Harvard College in 1636, the first institution of higher education in the colonies.

How did schools start from old deludar Satan act?

They did not.