Hoc est infantima malom basically translates from Latin into English to: "This is a bad baby", for if you wish to know, the continuation was: "nos omnia perdetu el eam", which means in English: "Finally, we all lose it".
nos = us cerdo = pig, hog
'nos' in Spanish means 'us'. Whether it does here.....?
Nos da = good night; varia ?
Love conquers everything, so let us yield to love is the English equivalent of 'Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'omnia' means 'everything'. The verb 'vincit' means '[he/she/it] conquers, does conquer, is conquering'. The nouns 'amor' and 'amori' mean 'love'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The personal pronoun 'nos' means 'us'. The verb 'cedamus' means '[we] yield'.
I'll see you (as in, I'll see you later) NOS VEMOS
3 nos tomoto
"Nos estamos cansados" in Spanish translates to "we are tired".
Send us!
"Nos acabamos" in Spanish can mean "we finish" or "we run out." The exact meaning would depend on the context in which it is used.
you probably mean, "Nos vemos mañana." "We'll see each other tomorrow."
Nos hizo falta tiempo means We needed more time