this means your much smarter than homer Simpson but not as smart as Albert Einstein
Yes because an average person's IQ is 100.
Yes, your IQ is above average. Age is not relevant.
His IQ is 114.
That you are slightly above average. it is a virtual scale. there are no exact properties of the scale you can point to and say that is an example of someone with 114 IQ and say that someone with 113 IQ would not have them.In addition it is always referred to as POTENTIAL. A high IQ is not a guarantee of high intelligence unless it is exercised
All IQs are good to the extent that they are accurate measures of learning potential (and opinions on this question differ strongly).But what constitutes a high IQ depends on the test; top scores vary.
it means you have an IQ of 103 :) just joking. it means that you are average
No, the IQ test and the Rorschach test are two different types of psychological assessments. The IQ test measures cognitive abilities such as reasoning and problem-solving, while the Rorschach test assesses personality characteristics based on interpretations of inkblots.
is this normal
Very smart.
Take a valid IQ test or some sort of standarized test that corresponds to your IQ.
It means you are highly gifted and that high of an IQ is consider genius
No, but through Biographic data it was estimated to be around 160-180. This does not mean it is his IQ since he never took the test.