BBA is Bachelors in Business Administration. It is one of the most popular professional programs.
BBA Aviation's population is 11,000.
BBA Aviation was created in 1897.
BBA Aviation's population is 2,012.
what is the starting salry of bba in aviation in india
There is not much difference between BBA Aviation, BBA Aviation Management and BBA Aviation Operations. It Depends on University to University. Almost all Universities call Bachelor of Business Administration in Aviation Management or BBA Aviation. The Course deals with How An Airport and Airline companies are running smoothly. Tremendous scope is there for BBA Aviation Course especially if students joining colleges under Bangalore University.BBA Aviation Colleges in BangaloreEligibility for BBA Aviation Course in Bangalore : 12th Standard with any stream and 45% Marks
UPES is a better university... It offers a range of interesting BBA programs like: BBA Auto Marketing BBA Aviation Operations BBA Digital Marketing BBA Financial Services Marketing BBA Foreign Trade BBA Logistics Management BBA Oil & Gas Marketing BBA Retail Management These programs are rarely available in any university with good, experienced faculty.
Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting
To make a career in Management field BBA is one of the best option. There are unique BBA courses in new fields available today and this is one of the reasons students are considering BBA as a good option. Digital Marketing, Travel and Tourism, Aviation are the top BBA specializations students are looking forward to. UTM Shillong, UPES Dehradun are some of the reputed universities for such BBA programs.
CAT's - Civil Aviation Technical Standards. CAR's - Civil Aviation Regulations
Component Maintenance Manual