You are fast.
Wie alt bist Du? means: how old are you?
It means "When will you be at home?"
translated it means are you ready
Du bist so weich = You are so soft
Not sure what the meaning may be but that translates to "You are Audi".
You are the love of my life.
It means "Short question, are you in Berlin?"
"Are you with me?" That would be a translation of the question "Bist du bei mir?". The start of the sentence as in the Bach/Stölzel aria "Bist du bei mir, geh' ich mit Freuden" would be better translated as "If you are with me (or: if you're near to me), I go light-hearted (or: with gladness)".
Primas is not an ordinary German word. It can be the title for an important bishop or the first violinist in a Hungarian gypsy music-band.Du bist ein ... - You are a ...
Mein guten du bist hubsch is grammatically incorrect. The correct form would be:Meine Güte, Du bist hübsch which translates as My Goodness, you're pretty.
bist du in Ordnung = are you okay