The word Fricken is only used as a surname in German. It has no meaning in modern German
Ficken's Warehouse was created in 1910.
Alexandra Ficken goes by Allie.
Linger Ficken' Good was created in 1993-09.
This combination is actually a grammatical error. For it to be "Ficken" it should be "Ficken Sie". For it to be "du" it would be "Fickst Du". "Ficken Sie" is used with a stranger (formal tense) and the second for people you are familiar with (familia tense...familia means family). They both mean the same thing, which is "F#ck You" . Considering the meaning, the formal tense doesn't make sense. It would be like saying "I respectfully request you to go "f#ck" yourself". Formal tense is to be used like Mam or Sir is in English to demonstrate deference or respect for the individual.Kaiser Willy
These are two vulgar sentences. The first one"Ficken Sie ernsthaft" means Do you f*ck seriously, which is strangely in the formal polite form. The second, "ich ficke wahnsinnig" means I f*ck like mad. However, the sentence is not complete. The poor grammar would indicate that the speaker was not native German or seriously lacking in education.
ich wuchs mit ihr auf. Is the German phrase for, I grew up with her. As for the freaking part, best to keep idioms, homonyms and curse words out of foreign language. But, if you must know, freaking has no counterpart in German. Ausgeflippt means freak and ficken means the four letter equivalent for intercourse.
George Carlin...God rest his soul. (Yeah, right!) I don't know who George Carlin is, but the word is very old, older than the US. Chambers says possibly from German 'ficken', to strike.
Brad Ficken; $72.5 million Close behind Mitchell Kelton; $61 million
what does ashley mean in in german
Do you mean elan? Then the word exists in German
Woken does not mean anything in German, the English word woken, means aufgewacht in German
the word you mean is viele and it means 'lots' in german.