bene factum
It is Latin and could mean in English: well done, good deed, benefit.
It could mean a fat cactus. But it is actually a Latin conjugation meaning "done" or made.
The Latin word for achievement is Factum. Factum is defined as a deed, accomplishment, work, act, or an achievement.
The English meaning of the Latin phrase 'factum probans' is Proving the fact. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'factum' means 'fact'. The verb form 'probans' means 'proving'.
The English equivalent of the Latin sentence 'Id quod factum est infectum esse potest' is the following: What has been made can be corrupted. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'id quod' means 'what'; 'factum' means 'done, or made'; 'est' means '[he/she/it] has been'; 'esse' means 'to be'; and 'poteste' means 'power'. The word 'infectum' has a range of literal and extended meanings, from 'colored, dyed, imbued, stained, steeped, tinged' to 'corrupted, poisoned, tainted'.
suscipio factum
Factum probans refers to evidence that proves a fact or allegation in a legal context. It is used to prove the truth of a claim or statement through evidence or testimony presented in court.
It's German for purely ad
it can only be used in very rare circumstances
AD means Anno Domini