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it means: How are you, my love?

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Q: What does Wie geht es dir meine liebe mean?
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What does the German word Wie geht's mean in English?

Wie geht's? is used for How are you?/ How's it going?/What's up?It is a shortened version of the phrase 'Wie geht es Dir?' (informal) or 'Wie geht es Ihnen?' (formal) and can be literally translated as "how goes it for you?"

Vielen Dank liebe Anna Wie geht es dir?

Thank you, dearest Anna. How are you doing?

Hallo meine schatz ich liebe dich auch Wie gehts?

, my darling, I love you too. How are you?

How are you my German daughter in German?

Wie geht's dir, meine (deutsche) Tochter?It's also possible to eliminate the dir:Wie geht's, meine (deutsche) Tochter?The first one is more consistent in style, as adding meine Tochter makes the sentence sound a bit formal while dropping the dir is very casual. It's a matter of preference, though.It's also rather unusual to emphasize the ethnicity when adressing a relative of yours, that's why the adjective is in brackets.

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"Do you mean 'How are you?' in Tagalog?"

How do you say how are you friends in German?

Depending on context: how are you friends = wie geht es euch, meine Freunde how are you friends = wie kommt es, dass ihr Freunde seid

Wie geht's alles in Ordnung what does it mean?

How are you; is everything okay? wie geht's = how are you ist alles in Ordnung = is everything okay/in order

What is 'How are you' in German?

"Wie geht es Ihnen" is the formal term used."Wie geht's dir" is the informal term used to a friend."Wie geht's" is the colloquial term used to people you meet regularly.wie geht's

Hallo wi gert es dir Lie-be?

Hallo, wie geht es Dir liebe... = Hello, how are you dear.....

How do you say how are you in German?

Wie geht's? (Wie geht es Ihnen?)

How do you say 'How are you' in German from English?

Wie geht es Dir? (singular, informal) Wie geht es Euch? (plural, informal) Wie geht es Ihnen? (formal) or simply Wie geht's?

What does wie geht es sie mean in German?

wie geht es sie? is grammatically incorrectwie geht es dir? = how are you (informal, singular)wie geht es euch = how are you (informal, plural)wie geht es ihr? = how is shewie geht es ihm? = how is hewie geht es ihnen? = how are theywie geht es Ihnen? = how are you (formal)