"Las niñas beben" means "the girls drink" in Spanish.
"They drink milk" = "que beben leche"
one of two things: bebe [verb]- 3rd person singular of 'beber' [to drink]. So, he/she drinks. bebé [noun]- baby
¿Bebe usted / beben (ustedes) / bebes / bebéisvino?¿Bebe usted...? (very polite)--- Do you drink...?¿Beben (ustedes)...? (informal or formal in Spanish America, but with the use of "ustedes" it becomes more polite; only polite in Spain) Do you drink...?
yo bebo agua = i drink water tu bebes = you drink el/ella bebe = he/she drink nosotros bebemos = we drink ellos/ellas beben = they drink at least thats what is says in my spanish book.
yes bebe is singular
What do children drink.
Una fiesta o beben demasiado
Well, "Las mujeres beben demasiado cerveza otra vez" means 'The women drink/are drinking too much beer again".
what does domino mean in spanish
Antonia in spanish mean Flower or Flor in spanish
pensar = to think