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Q: What does hou je haaks mean in dutch?
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What means the Dutch phrase 'Hou je goed'?

"Hou je goed" is Dutch for "take care"

How do you say love in dutch?

The dutch for love is "liefde".

What is 'I love you but goodbye' in Dutch?

Ik hou van je maar doei. I think that you can better say 'I love you but I have to go.' That is 'Ik hou van je maar ik moet gaan' in Dutch.

Dutch language i love you and miss you?

Ik hou van je en ik mis je

What is 'I love you too' in Dutch?

"Ik hou ook van jou " means I love you too

What does ik houvan je mean?

Ik hou van je = I love you

How do you say stop in dutch?

Hou je bek is a Dutch equivalent of 'Shut up'.

How do you say van's love in dutch?

Ik houd van je (or formal: Ik houd van u --> this is almost never used though) or I hou van je (most used) (the difference is not big. the first version is slightly more formal)

How do you say i love you from the bottem of my heart in dutch?

Ik hou van je met heel mijn hart

How w do you say 'I love you' in Europe?

Ich liebe dich (German) Ik hou van jou (Dutch) Je t'aime (French)

How do you say I love you in Holland?

Ik hou van jou is 'I love you' in Dutch.Ik hou van jou

How do we say i love and miss you so much in flemish?

In Flemish, you would say "Ik hou van je en mis je zo erg."