deirfiúracha go deo
it means "With Love Forever" or "Eternal Love"
It's actually "Ni neart go cur le chéile" and means "There is no strength without unity".
In Irish it's "le chéile go deo"
le Chili is the country Chile
Tha thu maille rium a ghnàth. You are always with me.
I will love...forever (there seems to be a word missing after le, so it doesn't specify what will be loved)
It just means Chile, the miners from Chile. This was fixed to honor those 33 men that were stuck in the mine for 2 months!
literally "True God and honor". A lot of sites say it's "God and the honor" but that would translate to "Deo et le honori". anyway it's the Roque family coat of arms, and it's in Latin.
Chile is spelled "Chili" in French.
chili----im pretty sure that's what it means
You need to specify Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic: they are two separate languages.