"Cuando llegan" means "when they arrive". "¿Cuándo llegan?" means "when do they arrive?"
Translation: Where do the students arrive?
It means "What time do you arrive at school?"
Hasta donde llegan tus ojos was created in 1995.
'they don't arrive at 7:45 on the dot.'
"Llegar" is the Spanish word for "to arrive". It is pronounced "yay-GAR". Please see the related link below for confirmation of the translation.http://www.answers.com/library/Translations
From the verb "llegar" which means "to arrive". Llegan is the third person plural in the present tense, or "they arrive".
They arrive at school around a quarter to eight.
The cast of Hasta donde llegan tus ojos - 1995 includes: Emilio Bardi Ariel Casas Inda Ledesma Ricardo Moriello as Empleado Isabel Quinteros Beatriz Thibaudin
"The students arrive at the school."
The cast of Cuando llegan los mojados - 2003 includes: Mario Almada Jesus Antonio Magi Avila Marina Carbajal Luis Felipe Tovar Prisciliano Galaz Amador Granados Everardo Licea Javier Olguin John Solis
llegar = to arrive llego = I arrive llega = you or he arrives llegamos = we arrive llegan = they arrive