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The literal translation is 'have mercy on'

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Q: What does miserere mean Latin to English?
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What does mi se re re no bis mean in the latin mass?

It should be "miserere nobis" = "Have mercy on us"

What does Miserere Nobis mean?

Have mercy on us.

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The Mission: Original Soundtrack From The Motion PictureTrack 20, "Miserere" lyricsLatin: Miserere mei Deus English: Have mercy on me, O God,secundum magnam misericordiam tuam according to your great goodnessThe Latin text comes from the first verse of Psalm 51 written by King David after the prophet Nathan came to him condemning him for lying with Bathsheba. The psalm is used liturgically to express repentance and has many musical settings most of which are named "Miserere".

What does mi se re re nobis mean?

Miserere nobis is Latin for Have mercy on us and comes from the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) which is part of the Roman Catholic Mass.

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Latin "Aqua" means water in English.

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The Latin word opus translated into English mean deed or labor.

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What is the greek word for mercy?

As a command, it is parce when talking to one person or parcete to more than one. As an infinitive, it is parcere.

What does erratic mean in Latin?

Erractic from English to Latin is wandering Erractic from Latin to English is erraticus Hope this helped! Panda7Apple

What does eram in latin mean in English?

You were.

What is the Latin to English translation of connect?

"Latin to English"?? Connect is already English, so you mean the opposite of what you say: English to Latin. The verb "I connect" is connecto, copulo, sero.