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La expresión correcta es: LO MISMO PARA TI --- same to you

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

la misma muchacha = the same girl

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Q: What does mismo para ti mean?
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What does same to you mean in spanish?

lo mismo a ti

How do you say yourself in spanish?

usted (mismo, a)ustedes (mismos, as)tú (mismo/misma) - subject, informal (male/female)a / para ti (mismo/misma) - subject, informal (male/female)vosotros (mismos)vosotras (mismas)

What does sonrisas para ti mean?

sonrisas para ti is written in spanish. sonrisas=smiles para ti=for you. so it means: smiles for you.

Soy para ti mean in English?

"Soy para ti" translates to "I am for you" in English.

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nomas para ti preciosa meaning

What does Solo para ti mean?

Only for you. Just for you. Solo=just, only. para=for. ti=you.

What does Que soy para ti mean in English?

"Que soy para ti" translates to "What am I to you" in English.

How do you say and the same to you in spanish?

¿Siente / sienten / sientes / sentís lo mismo por mí?

What does Te amas a ti Mismo y solo mean?

You love nobody but yourself

What does Mensaje para ti mean?

"message for you"

What does Especialmente para ti mean?

Specially for you.

What does para ti mean in Spanish?

"Para ti" in Spanish means "for you." It is used to indicate that something is intended for a specific person or group.