Sine Cura means Without Worries Con Cura probably means With Worries (Being worried) Sine Cura means Without Worries Con Cura probably means With Worries (Being worried)
"The care of the soul" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase la cura dell'anima.Specifically, the feminine definite article la means "the." The feminine noun cura means "care, cure, treatment." The word dell' combines the preposition di with the feminine definite article la to mean "of the." The feminine noun anima means "soul."The pronunciation is "lah KOO-rah dehl-LAH-nee-mah."
"Take care of yourself!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Abbi cura di te! The pronunciation will be "AB-bee KOO-ra dee tey" in Italian.
"Take care!" in English is Attenzione! or Prenditene cura! or Stammi bene! Italian.
Novae artes and nova artificia respectively mean 'new arts' and 'new skills' in English. In the word by word translation, the adjectives 'novae' and 'nova' mean 'new'. The noun 'artes' means 'arts'. The noun 'artificia' means 'skills'.
Nova means super.
Ben Cura is 6' 1".
Quanta Cura was created in 1864.
Cura Ocllo died in 1539.
Este cura was created in 1968.
The population of Cura Carpignano is 2,703.
Alvin Cura is 6' 1".