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"Take care of yourself!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Abbi cura di te! The pronunciation will be "AB-bee KOO-ra dee tey" in Italian.

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Q: What is 'Abbi cura di te' when translated from Italian to English?
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What is 'Take care' when translated from English to Italian?

"Take care!" in English is Attenzione! or Prenditene cura! or Stammi bene! Italian.

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Nova cura translated into English means New cure.

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Take care would be "fais attention" or "prends soin de toi" in French. Take care would be "fai attenzione" or "prenditi cura" in Italian.

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Stammi bene, amico! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Take care, mate!" The exclamation translates literally as "Stay well for me, (male) friend!" in English. The pronunciation will be "STAM-mee BEH-ney a-MEE-ko" in Pisan Italian.

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The cast of Abbi cura di te - 2009 includes: Alessandro Aronadio as Man with the Sax Marco Biscardi as First Rapist Valentina Pastore as Autistic Girl Joelle Rigollet as French Girl Francesco Sciaraffia as Second Rapist

Italian word for care?


What is 'You will take care of Juliana' when translated from English to Italian?

Ti prenderai cura di Giuliana! and Vi prenderete cura di Giuliana! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You will take care of Juliana!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "tee PREN-dey-REYE KOO-ra dee djoo-LYA-na" in the singular and "vee PREN-dey-REY-tey KOO-ra dee djoo-LYA-na" in the plural in Pisan Italian.

What is the English translation of the Italian 'la cura dell'anima'?

"The care of the soul" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase la cura dell'anima.Specifically, the feminine definite article la means "the." The feminine noun cura means "care, cure, treatment." The word dell' combines the preposition di with the feminine definite article la to mean "of the." The feminine noun anima means "soul."The pronunciation is "lah KOO-rah dehl-LAH-nee-mah."

What is 'care' when translated from English to Italian?

Cura, custodia or preoccupazione and interessare, prendersene cura or tenere a are Italian equivalents of the English word "care." Context makes clear whether attention, as to a house or a patient (case 1), responsibility as custody or as care-giving (examples 2, 5), worry (instance 3), concern (option 4) or affection (sample 6) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "KOO-ra," "koo-STO-dya" or "prey-OK-koo-pa-TSYO-ney" as nouns and "EEN-tey-res-SA-rey," "pren-DER-se-ney KOO-ra" or "tey-NEY-rey a" as verbs in Pisan Italian.

What is the English translation of the Italian word 'sinecura'?

"Sinecure" is an English equivalent of the Italian word sinecura.Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It is formed from the Latin words sine ("without") and cura ("care"). It means "obligationless work" whereby the job exists in pay and title but not in responsibilities.The pronunciation will be "SEE-ne-KOO-ra" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'Take care'?

Dio ti benedica is an Italian equivalent of 'God bless [you]'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'DEE-oh tee beh-neh-DEE-kah'.In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'Dio' means 'God'. The personal pronoun 'ti' means 'you'. The verb 'benedica' means '[he/she/it] blesses, does bless, is blessing'.