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Dio ti benedica is an Italian equivalent of 'God bless [you]'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'DEE-oh tee beh-neh-DEE-kah'.

In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'Dio' means 'God'. The personal pronoun 'ti' means 'you'. The verb 'benedica' means '[he/she/it] blesses, does bless, is blessing'.

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12y ago

Stammi bene! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Take care!"

Specifically, the present imperative sta literally means "(informal singular you) stand!" The personal pronoun mimeans "for me" in this context. The adverb bene translates as "fine, good, well".

The pronunciation will be "STAM-mee BEY-ney" in Italian.

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8y ago

Abbi cura di te e che Dio ti benedica! and Abbiate cura di voi e che Dio vi benedica! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Take care and God bless!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits for "Have (a) care for you and that God may bless you!" The respective pronunciations will be "AB-bee KOO-ra dee tey key DEE-o tee BEY-ney-DEE-ka" in the singular and "ab-BYA-tey KOO-ra dee voy ey key DEE-o vee BEY-ney-DEE-ka" in the plural in Pisan Italian.

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