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i think about you alot

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Q: What does pienso mucho en ti mean in English?
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Related questions

What does pienso en ti con frecuencia mean in English?

"Pienso en ti con frecuencia" in English means "I think of you often."

What does 'Pienso tanto en ti' mean in English?

It means "I think so much about you".

What does nieva mucho en el invierno en Alaska mean in English?

It snows a lot in winter in Alaska

What does Pienso en mi vida mean?

I'm thinking about my life.

When was Sólo Pienso En Ti created?

Sólo Pienso En Ti was created on 1991-06-29.

What does pienso en ti al levantarme translate to in English?

That means "I think of you when I get up." ("Ti" is the informal "you"; to show more respect you would say "Usted.")

Can you translate Nunca pasa un dia en que no pienso en ti into English?

The translation is : Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

What does esudias mucho en la escuelar mean?

"Estudias mucho en la escuela?" Do you study a lot in school?

When was Estoy Con Él Y Pienso En Ti created?

Estoy Con Él Y Pienso En Ti was created in 2006.

What is the translation for te echo de menos pienso en ti?

The translation for "te echo de menos pienso en ti" is "I miss you, I think of you."

What is 'Mucho gusto en conocerte' when translated from Spanish to English?

"Very pleased to meet you!" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase ¡Mucho gusto en conocerte! The courtesy translates literally as "Much pleasure in meeting you!" in English. The pronunciation will be "MOO-tcho GOO-sto en KO-no-SER-tey" in Uruguayan Spanish.

What actors and actresses appeared in Cuando pienso en el Che - 1987?

The cast of Cuando pienso en el Che - 1987 includes: Fidel Castro as himself