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Residing is the present particle of the word reside which means to have a home in particular place or to be present in or belong to somebody or something.
residing mean living !! ")

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People are residing. It's 'to reside'.

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All of them; however most US Citizens residing in Latin America are found in Mexico.

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If you went from one person residing in the property, to two people residing in the property, yes.

In Spanish what does 'morando' mean?

In Spanish, "morando" is the gerund form of the verb "morar," which means "to reside" or "to dwell." So, "morando" can be translated as "residing" or "dwelling."

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It is possible to be divorced and never know especially if your spouse is residing in another state.

What is the verb for the word resident?

The verb is to reside (resides, residing, resided).

What is the verb for resident?

The verb of residence is reside.Other verbs depending on the tense are resides, residing and resided.Some example sentences are:"We will reside here"."She resides in the cottage"."We are residing in England"."Shakespeare resided here".