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Saluti e baci was created in 1953.
"Lots of kisses from Italy" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanti baci dall'Italia.Specifically, the maculine plural adjective tanti is "lots, so many". The masculine noun baci means "kisses". The word dalla* means "from the", from the combination of the preposition da ("from") with the feminine singular definite article la ("the"). The feminine noun Italiatranslates as "Italy".The pronunciation will be "TAHN-tee BAH-tchee dahl-lee-TAH-lyah" in Italian.*The final vowel a drops -- and is replaced by an apostrophe -- before a noun which begins with a vowel.
"Buon natale e tanti auguri di buon anno" means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Baci e abbracci - 1999 is rated/received certificates of: Italy:T
"I'm sending lots of kisses, and I remember you with so much affection" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase Mando tanti baci e con tanto affetto ti ricordo. The two declarative statements linked by a conjunction translates literally by word order into English as "I send so many kisses and with so much affection I remember you." The pronunciation will be "MAN-do TAN-tee BA-tchee ey kon TAN-to af-FET-to tee ree-KOR-do" in Italian.
The cast of Carezze e Baci - 1910 includes: Alda Tosca
"Lots of kisses, my friend" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanti baci, amica mia.Specifically, the masculine plural adjective tanti is "lots, so many". The masculine noun baci means "kisses". The feminine noun amica means "friend". The feminine possessive adjective mia translates as "my".The pronunciation will be "TAHN-tee BAH-tchee ah-MEE-kah MEE-ah" in Italian.
i like amore baci better more clouerful
The cast of Parole e baci - 1987 includes: Roberto Citran Simona Izzo Ricky Tognazzi
Anna Mancini has: Played Bianca in "La vita semplice" in 1946. Played Elena Nurus in "Uomini e cieli" in 1947. Played Nubian Slave Girl in "Quo Vadis" in 1951. Performed in "Bellezze in moto-scooter" in 1952. Played Fidanzata di Teddy Reno in "Saluti e baci" in 1953.
"With love and kisses, my love!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Con amore e baci, amore mio! The phrase shows Italian tendencies to put adjectives after, not before, their nouns, with the last two words translating literally as "love (of) mine" in English. The pronunciation will be "KO-na-MO-rey BA-tchee a-MO-rey MEE-o" in Pisan Italian.
I think it is 'Sono Tanti E Hanno Fame?