it means he's trying to insult you! A pro refers to a professional as in you were right : Prostitute.
"Pro Deus" is ungrammatical in Latin. It doesn't mean much of anything.
Pro-environment means for environment
Pro usually means professional
Pro is short for Professional. Pro is the opposite of Noob.
Could you mean pro tempore or pro tem? Pro tem means "for the time being" or temporarily.
No, you are only a pro if YOU are scratched up, sometimes, you can be a pro and not be scratched up if you are a SUPER pro
Usually abbreviated to pro tem, pro tempore means 'for the time being'.
'for', or 'in agreement with' .. if someone is pro-something, they are in favour of something.
Don't know what you mean by a bike being "pro".
Yes, pro does mean that you are for. If you are against something it would be anti or con.
pro is advocating or supporting a certain topic. examples: pro-abortion, pro-natalism, etc.