the old ways are those that are proven with experience. new ways are yet to be checked and rechecked.
anything new is to some extent is uncertain, whereas old is known for long time
i think by old ways it was a religon
reflexive property of equality
Its an old saying like be careful what you wish for is. I was wondering what this saying means. I know these two sayings are not connected. I know its an old saying.
The saying 'you old dog' just means someone that you have not seen for a long time. It is just a way of saying hi to someone you have not seen in a while.
Ronald Reagan
Its just an old saying, it doesnt really mean anything all the person is say is that what your saying has nothing to do with what they are talking about.. does that answer your question? Maybe
It is an old way of saying "Who are you?" It would have been in the form "Who art thou?"
A wise old saying is a proverb
'Divers' is an archaic spelling for 'diverse', meaning many and varied places, or a lot of different places.
Give it the old college try.
Loosely it means best wishes for the rest of the plans you have today. It's quite an old saying which tranlated literally is 'Best wishes plans today that are remaining'
The drawing (a rebus or pictogram) is meant to convey the Bible saying "There is nothing new under the sun."