"You're very, very handsome in that painting!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tu sei molto, molto bello su quello ritratto! The second person singular pronoun and present indicative, adverbs, masculine singular adjective, preposition, and masculine singular adjective and noun model a feature of Italian whereby the subject pronoun is included for emphasis, not clarity or necessity, since context and verb endings identify the speaker without or without optional pronoun use. The pronunciation will be "too SEH-ee MOL-to MOL-to BEL-lo soo KWEL-lo ree-TRAT-to" in Italian.
"It is what it is!" in English is È quello che è! in Italian.
Molto è quello
Non è tutto oro quello che luccica! in Italian is "All that glitters is not gold!" in English.
"Purple one" in English is il rosso violaceo or quello rosso violaceo in Italian.
Non capico quello che dici
Tu sei quello/a (male/female) per me.
Quello è buono is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "That is good".Specifically, the masculine indefinite pronoun quello is "that". The verb è means "is". The masculine adjective buono translates as "good".The pronunciation will be "KWEHL-loh eh BWOH-noh" in Italian.
Se qualcuno può leggere questo farò quello che vuoi in Italian means "If anyone can read this I'll do whatever you want" in English.
Quello è orribile! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "That's hideous!" The pronunciation will be "KWEL-lo eh or-REE-bee-ley" in Italian.
It is what it is is an English equivalent of 'E' quello che è'. The verb 'è' means '[he/she/it] is'. The masculine demonstrative 'quello' means 'that'. The relative 'che' means 'that, which'. All together, they're pronounced 'eh KWEHL-loh keh eh'.
"And that following... ." is a literal English equivalent of the incomplete Italian phrase e quello seguente... . The conjunction, masculine singular pronoun, and feminine/masculine adjective/present participle also may be rendered into English as "and that ensuing... ." The pronunciation will be "ey KWEL-lo-sey-GWEN-tey" in Italian.
E' tutto quello che so is the right way to sai its all I know