Google translate says "Uxores is not able to interact with most of the fronts and fraternities with parents."
Denmark has 98 communes.
Loci Communes was created in 1543.
The cast of The Year of the Communes - 1970 includes: Rod Steiger as Narrator
Medieval communes were walled towns or cities that were usually run by mercantile organizations or the citizens themselves. Most were in Italy or Germany. I don't know whether free cities in the Hanseatic League count as communes, but they might.
The Israelites communicated using Ambassadors.
To answer a question we need a who, where, what, when, where, and how. Your question leaves out who.
hippie communes
The place to get what u need
The Gazette Des Communes is available either by subscription to the website or by a daily e-mail newsletter. The website provides infomation, news and job searches.