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"Beautiful summits" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase belle cime. The feminine plural adjective and noun in question also may be translated into English figuratively as "handsome geniuses" and literally as "beautiful mountaintops" and "beautiful peaks" for geography, "beautiful lines" and "beautiful ropes" for navigation," and "beautiful turnip tops" for botany. Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation will be "BEL-ley TCHEE-mey" in Italian.

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Q: What is 'belle cime' when translated from Italian to English?
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What is 'tops' when translated from English to Italian?

Capi per il sopra, cime, and in gamba are Italian equivalents of the English word "tops." The first-mentioned masculine prepositional phrase, the second-mentioned feminine plural noun, and the third-mentioned feminine singular prepositional phrase respectively refer to clothing tops (such as bikinis, blouses, halters, shirts), physical tops (such as of mountains), and personal bests (with the literally meaning "in [the] leg" in this case). The respective pronunciation will be "KA-pea pey-reel SO-pra," "TCHE-mey," and "een GAM-ba" in Italian.

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jj . ;munu

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