Luogo di nascita
Nascita generally and parto for child-birth are Italian equivalents of the English word "birth." Context makes clear which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "na-SHEE-ta" and "PAR-to" in Italian.
Felice data di nascita is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy birthdate!" The pronunciation will be "fey-LEE-tchey DA-ta dee na-SHEE-ta" in Italian.
Bella nascita is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful birth." The feminine singular phrase may be used figuratively, literally and symbolically. The pronunciation will be "BEL-la na-SHEE-ta" in Italian.
Un diritto di nascita is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "a birthright".Specifically, the masculine singular indefinite article un, uno is "a, one". The masculine noun diritto means "right". The preposition di means "of". The feminine noun nascita translates as "birth".The pronunciation will be "oon dee-REET-toh dee nah-SHEE-tah" in Italian.
Le scrivo per richiedere una copia del certificato di nascita del XX è NATO il X in provincia di X chiusi è un vaglia per l'importo di?
"Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! She will fill your home and hearts with much love and happiness Loving cousins!" in English is Auguri per la nascita della vostra bimba. Lei riempirà la vostra casa e i vostri cuori con tanto amore e felicità. Con amore, cugini! in Italian.
The Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery) in Firenze (Florence), Italy, identifies the location where the Nascita di Venere is displayed. The fifteenth-century painting by Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, March 1, 1445-May 17, 1510) also may be found referred to in English as "The Birth of Venus." The pronunciation will be "na-SHEE-ta dee VEH-ney-rey" in Pisan Italian.
Maria Luisa Astaldi has written: 'Metastasio' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors 'Amati libri' -- subject(s): American and German, Comparative Literature, English and German, German and American, German and English 'Il poeta e la regina' -- subject(s): American literature, English literature 'Nascita e vicende del romanzo italiano' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Italian prose
'Neonati' is an Italian equivalent of 'babies' in terms of those newly born. 'Bimbi' and 'bambini' are other equivalents. All three are the masculine forms of the nouns. They therefore all take 'i' ['the'] as their definite articles and 'degli' ['some'] as their indefinite articles. They respectively are pronounced 'NEH-oh-NAH-tee', BEEM-bee', and 'bahm-BEE-nee'.
The cast of La nascita - 2006 includes: Teo Bellia as Gardener Vito Favata as Running Man Beatrice Orlandini as Tiger
The cast of Nascita di una formazione partigiana - 1973 includes: Enzo Cavaglion Riccardo Cavaglion Dino Giacosa Ugo Rapisarda Nuto Revelli as himself Leo Scamuzzi