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Calvados or Manzana Verde.
The most popular Spanish drink for after dinner is Licor Cuarenta y Tres (licor 43). It is made from a mix of 43 different ingredients, including citrus and other fruits, herbs, spices, and vanilla. It's actually a deep golden amber colour rather than yellow.
to eat dinner: cenar dinner: cena
yes l do,l drink whine at dinner.
The almond flavour after dinner drink from Spain is called Dissarono DiSaronno is an amaretto from Saronno, Italy. It is dark, very sweet, and a little thick. Perhaps you are referring to Amarguinha, which is from Portugal - it is lighter and makes a better digestif.
the spanish drink
dinner specials
The French drink wine at Christmas. Usually wine is served with dinner. After dinner people usually drink champagne. Children drink soda at Christmas.
The word referring to the meal of breakfast in Spanish is spelt desayuno. The word referring to the meal of lunch or dinner in Spanish is spelt en almuerzo. The word referring to the drink is beber. Comer also means to eat.