Chisato Amate's birth name is Sachie Amate.
Amate - Seville Metro - was created in 2009.
Chisato Amate was born on December 16, 1980, in Fukuoka, Japan.
amate il grande mucca
a peacock attracts amate by spreading it's feathers out! hope that helps mates =]
Ami or Amate is an Italian equivalent of 'Do you love...'. The word 'ami' is the second person singular ['you'], and is pronounced 'AH-mee'. The word 'amate' is the second person plural ['you all'], and is pronounced 'ah-MAH-tay'.**The sound 'ay' is similar to the sound 'ay' in the English noun 'ray'.
"amar a si mismo" if it's general, if you are telling it to a person you say: "amate a ti mismo"
The cast of Tonarinokai Darekairu - 2007 includes: Chisato Amate Yukiko Goto Jun Natsukawa
"Love your family!" in English means Ami la tua famiglia!in the singular and Amate la vostra famiglia! in the plural in Italian.
Davide Marzaroli has written: 'La Chiesa volto di Cristo' -- subject(s): Church, History of doctrines 'Amate la Chiesa'
"Seize the day with what you all love" literally and "Grab opportunity with what you all love" loosely are English equivalents of the Italian phrase Grippare il giorno con quello che amate. The pronunciation will be "greep-PA-rey eel DJOR-no kon KWEL-lo key* a-MA-tey" in Italian.*The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation "Hey!"
"Girls, are you still in love?" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ragazze, ancora amate? The structure also suits the imperative of command since, with an exclamation mark instead of the question mark at the end, the words also may translate as "Girlfriends, love once again!" or "Girls, love one more time!" in English. The pronunciation will be "ra-GAT-tsey an-KO-ra-MA-tey" in Italian.