Tripoli is spelled exactly as written - Tripoli. The city is located in Libya, and it can often be referred to as Western Tripoli.
That is the correct English spelling for the city of Tripoli, Libya. (Arabic: طرابلس الغرب‎ Ṭarābulus al Gharb)
The capital of Libya is Tripoli. Tripoli is the capital city and the largest city of Libya.
Tripoli is the capital of Libya because when Libya was found tripoli was also found.
Some other spellings for Tripoli, Libya are:Tarabulus (Arabic)Tripolis (ancient name)Oea (ancient name)
Tripoli is the capital city and the largest city of Libya.
The city which is at the northwestern tip of Libya is Tripoli.
Amazigh is the other name for the republic of Libya. The capital city of Libya is Tripoli while the official language is Arabic.
Yes; It is the capital of Libya.
Tripoli is the capital of Libya.
Tripoli is the capital of Libya.
Tripoli is in Libya, North Africa.