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Demolay international (also known as the order of demolay) is masonic youth group fore young boys (at the age of 12-21). This is almost as masonic as the other masonic clubs such as the masons, jobs daughters, and the rainbow girls. demolay is not a religious youth group. anyone can join, (Evin the catholic, no joke . I'm very serious.)

they do the same things that the boy scouts wold do better. they Evin carry swords around with them all the time. they Evin do things that they don't do.

THEY ARE BETTER THEN THE BOYSCOUT. The order of demolay has lines and diff rent part and offices fore the boys to perform.they do not call the lines a script. they call it ritul. (RITCH-I-WOLLE)

its part of the masonic lodge. fore boys. and fore girls, they can join the masonic lodge with jobs daughters and the rainbow girls.

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Q: What is demolay?
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When was DeMolay International created?

DeMolay International was created in 1919.

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yes he is a senior demolay

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NO. But he could have seen a DeMolay kneel before or had been invited to a public ceremony of a DeMolay chapter and could have adapted and revised it.

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mark? mark jimenez is a member of the order of demolay. mark? mark jimenez is a member of the order of demolay.

Are you a demolay?

The exact phrasing "are you a demolay" is used during the induction process for the over two million young men who have joined the international youth organization DeMolay Internaitonal. More information about DeMolay International can be found by visiting

When are demolay dances held at most of the time?

it depends. you see, I am a demolay. and it's mostly where you have your demolay meetings and installations. usually, it would happin after a installation. there will be very rare times when there will be a demolay dance somewhere else that's not your lodge. that's when you need to contact your dad adviser. NO JOKE. IM IN MEL CHAPTER!!!!!!!!

What is a demolay?

DeMolay is a leadership organization for young men ages between 12-21. DeMolay has chapters in every state, and eight countries in addition to the United States.DeMolay also has a complementary program in most jurisdictions for young ladies; known as DeMolay Sweethearts.Founded in 1919, DeMolay has seven guiding principles that encourage the members to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. The seven guiding principles are called precepts of DeMolay. Those precepts are:Filial Love (love & respect for parents)Reverence for Sacred ThingsCourtesyFidelityComradeshipCleannessPatriotismMembers of DeMolay elect their own officers, and plan their own activities. One of the ways in which DeMolay is unique is that the members themselves make the decisions, while adult advisors simply advise. By letting the members make the decisions, young men learn to plan, organize, budget, and effectively control their own programs.

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What has the author Jack DeMolay written?

Jack DeMolay has written: 'UFOs' -- subject(s): Unidentified flying objects, Juvenile literature, Sightings and encounters 'Atlantis'

Who are the DeMolays?

The DeMolay organization is a youth group for young men aged 12 to 21. It focuses on leadership development, character building, and community service. DeMolay was founded in 1919 and is named after Jacques DeMolay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.