Cor is one Latin equivalent of 'heart'. The Latin word means 'heart' in the sense of 'the organ for pumping blood'. Animus is another Latin equivalent of 'heart'. It means 'heart' in the sense of 'courage, the seat of feeling'.
Heart in Latin is cor, cordis
The Latin equivalent for "frozen heart" is cor gelidum("icy heart") or cor gelatum ("frozen heart").
It seems to be incomplete. "Cor et" means "Heart and".
The Latin word for body is corpus (gen. corporis)
cor, cordis means heart
viscus or pectus
cor, cordis
In Latin, "Cor" means, "Heart".
In Latin, "Semper in corde meo" means "Forever in my heart." An expanded version of the phrase is "In meo corde aeternaliter" meaning "You are forever in my heart."
The English word for the Latin word "cord" is "heart."
It means heart
In cordis Mariae