Thyroid is a gland situated in front of your neck. It secretes thyroid hormones. It maintains basal metabolic rate of your body. When the level of this secretion drops below the normal level you get the metabolic disorder known as hypothyroidism. In such a condition the patient becomes lethargic as the body movements slow down and the patient suffers from constipation . She prefers heat over cold. Her heart rate decreases. She gets non-pitting oedema (i.e. myxoedema) and her face looks puffy. Menstrual disorders is another common issue in hypothyroidism.
Hypothyrodism because there is no thyroid.
high TSH than the normal range means hypothyrodism.
I am a diabetic and also have hypothyrodism. The nerves in my legs get stiff often especially during sleep. Can I take Calcirol ?
Insufficient levels (low levels) of circulating thyroid hormones is the biochemical hallmark of an under-active thyroid, a condition referred to as hypothyroidism.
Insufficient iodine in the diet causes thyroid hormone to be produced in less than optimal amounts. This sets the stage for hypothyrodism, and possibly even goiter (if the hypothyroidism is untreated for a significant period of time).
It is a simple blood test, which is the TSH hormone done anytime. in other occasions we may need to do FreeT4 and the antibodies. It aslo recommended to get your doctor examine the thyroid size by touching it at the front of the neck to make sure it is not large and there are no nodules in it. Dr Wiam Hussein
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is the signal that the brain sends to the thyroid to tell the thryoid how much hormone to make. Markedly high levels are almost always due to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Mildly elevated levels are often normal.
Not necessarily. If their weight issues are caused by hypothyroidism, the person's temperature would be below normal.Typically, a blood test is done to test for this condition (which means an underactive thyroid) . According to Mark Starr, MD - in his book Hypothyroidism: Type 2, basal temperature is a much more accurate means by which to tell if a person has hypothyroidism. This means, the person takes his or her temperature before rising in the morning for three days in a row. Normal temperature is considered to be 98.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Individuals with hypothyrodism (untreated) will have a body temp of less than 96.7 F.
It certainly can be a risk factor for getting carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) They are not sure if it is due to the the potential for fluid retention in these individuals, especially patients that are not well controlled, or if the decreased thyroid levels have an effect on the actual structure or covering of the nerves and thus can effect the median nerve, which then can cause carpal tunnel symptoms.
You may call it a type of autoimmune illness. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck just below the Adams apple. The hormones produced by thyroid help to regulate the body's metabolism and effects processes, such as growth and other important functions of the body. If the thyroid is underactive it is known as hypothyroidism and when overactive it is known as hyperthyroidism. The yogic practices which help in alleviating this condition are Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara), Neck Movements (Greeva Sanchalana), Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana), Plough Pose (Halasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana), The Psychic Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama), Humming Bee Breath (Bhramari Pranayama), Throat Lock (Jalandhara Bandha), and Nasal Irrigation (Jala Neti).
In Ayurvedic and Siddha system of medicine it is mainly employed for skin diseases, GIT problems, Piles complaints, fistula. it is also added as an rejuvinating drug after proper purification process. In Homeopathic system of medicine sulfa 200X is used for Hypothyrodism. In Allopathic system of medicine it is used for Wound healing propertries. Dr. V. Karthikeyan BAMS M. Surendra Kuimar M.Pharm, (Ph.D).
A non-communicable disease or NCD is a disease which is not infectious. Such diseases may result from genetic or lifestyle factors. A non-communicable disease is an illness that is caused by something other than a pathogen. It might result from hereditary factors, improper diet, smoking, or other factors. Those resulting from lifestyle factors are sometimes called diseases of affluence. Examples include hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mental health problems, asthma, atherosclerosis,allergy etc. The non-communicable diseases are spread by: heredity, surroundings and behavior.============================================================= stroke Cancer, cardio-vascular diseases,prostate hypertrophy,kidney disease,most urinary tract problems that are not STD related,varicose veins,allergies, except for a possible congenital predisposition. Any disease associated with mucous membranes may have a contagious component{even cavities can be contaigious if you try hard enough] anywhere you have draining wound or other fluids can cause contagion. When in doubt, ask the doc.