Surface preparation standards are stipulated by various bodies throughout the world to designate the cleanliness condition of blasted steel, prior to applying a protective coating.
The applicable cleanliness standard is usually called for by either the protective coating manufacturer or the owner of the structure to be painted.
The most commonly referred to standards are SSPC, NACE, and Swedish Standards.
Each standard is divided into four standards of cleanliness, broadly described as follows; brush off, commercial, near white metal, white metal. Whilst each standard may differ slightly in requirements and terminology the following cross reference chart indicates the close approximation of each level of cleanliness for each standard.SSPC SP 7 SP 6 SP 10 SP 5 NACE No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1 SWEDISH Sa.1 Sa.2 Sa.2.5 Sa.3
A brief description of each of the four levels of cleanliness is as follows:
The full standards are available from each organisation from the following links:
Steel Structures Painting Council
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
International Organization for Standarization
Swedish Institute for Standards
Standards Australia
The appearance of steel after blasting will vary greatly and is subject to, amongst other things, the condition and appearance of the steel prior to blasting. Other factors that influence the post blasting appearance include, type and size of abrasive used, angle of blast and profile height.
The initial condition of the steel, prior to blasting, can be divided into one of four categories: (As per AS1627.4-1989)
The following pictorial table illustrates the variations in surface appearance after blasting, depending on the initial condition of the steel prior to blasting.
Condition A
Condition A
Blasted Sa.1
Condition A
Blasted Sa.2
Condition A
Blasted Sa.2.5
Condition A
Blasted Sa.3
Condition B
Condition B
Blasted Sa.1
Condition B
Blasted Sa.2
Condition B
Blasted Sa.2.5
Condition B
Blasted Sa.3
Condition C
Condition C
Blasted Sa.1
Condition C
Blasted Sa.2
Condition C
Blasted Sa.2.5
Condition C
Blasted Sa.3
Condition D
Condition D
Blasted Sa.1
Condition D
Blasted Sa.2
Condition D
Blasted Sa.2.5
Condition D
Blasted Sa.3
"Så mycket" means "so much". "Sa mycket" means "said a lot".
It doesn't really make much sense on its own, but it says "said a lot babe".
Tack, but if you want to say thank you very much, it is tack sa mycket
ang ibig sabihn ng linggwistiko ay, isa rin itong linggwistika, kaya lang magkaiba ang pagbabaybay (spelling) nito. linggwistika ay ang pagaaral sa wika ng tao at tinatawag na linggwista ang mga dalubhasa nito.
SA means Standard America
Can you please Define, Sa can mean alot of thing Sa can mean: 差 - Difference 鎖 - Chain さ  - The and many more
San Andreas
024109 - Seapoint
sa = (his/her) jambe = leg sa jambe = his leg / her leg
Sa kap fèt mean in English: What's going on?
The SA in GTA-SA is for San Andreas, the region where the game takes place.
SA means Surface Area