No grade has 6th grade to 5th grade, sorry.
They will be in Grade 3 . Grade 1 : 6 Grade 2 : 7 Grade 3 : 8 Grade 4 : 9 Grade 5 : 10 Grade 6 : 11 Grade 7 : 12 Grade 8 : 13 Grade 9 : 14 Grade 10 : 15 and so on.
Je suis en :6th grade - cinquième7th grade - quatrième8th grade - troisième9th grade - seconde10th grade - première11th grade - terminale12th grade would be the first year of university in France.So ; I'm in 12th grade : Je fais des études supérieures. (Literally, I'm doing higher studies.)
It is second grade or you can say 2nd grade.
3rd grade,4th grade,and 5th grade
33 grade, 43 grade and the 53 grade cement (In India)
33 grade, 43 grade and the 53 grade cement (In India)
The highest grade on the flute is grade 8 (this is teaching grade)
This grade of the steel is 7.85 grade which is of the premium grade available for a microwave.
6th grade
Grade S:Super. Grade A:Awesome. Grade B:Better. Grade C:Cool.Grade D:Darn(Down). Grade F:Failure.
High school grade year basically means which grade someone is in. High schools generally consist of 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade. Students in 9th grade are freshmen. Students in 10th grade are sophomores. Students in 11th grade are known as juniors. Students in 12th grade are seniors.