pax is the latin word for peace.
It is Latin for 'peace' like Pax Romana meaning the peace of Rome.
The word "uneasy" can function as an adjective.
Pax tecum is one Latin equivalent of 'peace with you'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'pax' means 'peace'. The personal pronoun 'te' means 'you'. The preposition 'cum' means 'with'. Pax vobiscum is another Latin equivalent of 'peace with you'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'pax' means 'peace'. The personal pronoun 'vobis' means 'you all'. The preposition 'cum' means 'with'.
Of peace
"Pax" is a Latin equivalent of "peace."Specifically, the Latin word is a feminine gender noun. It also may be translated as "calm, grace, quiet, serenity." But regardless of the meaning, the pronunciation always is "pahks."Pax is the Latin word for Peace.
unity and peace
I feel uneasy when I am ignored.
The word 'paz' is Spanish for 'peace'. The Latin equivalent is the word pax. It's pronounced as pahks.
Pax ín tellús means Peace on Earth when translated into Latin.
The word uneasy means not easy. The word easy means not hard.
The word peace evolved through time from the Latin word, pacem. Pacem meaning a treaty, or absence from war. See the related link for more.