The word is originally from the Latin word deus. This is the word for god in Latin. Deists are people who believe there is a higher power, but it is not necessarily the Christian god.
The Latin word is "Deus".
The word is credo from which we get the word creed.
The Latin word meaning Believe is Crédere. Credo I believe.
Believe it or not, the latin word for seed is semen.
I believe that the word is 'alibi' I believe that the word is 'alibi'
actually Spanish ( a Latin family language) Vaya Con Dios. this was a title of a song and also one of the watchwords of the Grace Line.
The Latin word for circuit is "circulus."
The English word for the Latin word "credere" is "believe."
Latin for the word fight is "Oppugno" I believe.
I believe the latin word for "elixir" is actually "elixir."
Latin for God is Deus. The genitive form is Dei, meaning of God or God's.