Discretionary fiscal policy requires deliberate government action. Automatic fiscal policy occurs automatically without (additional) congressional action.
Discretionary fiscal policies are those that are enacted in response to a need, for example, a tax cut. Non-discretionary fiscal policies are those that happen regardless of conditions or need, for example, the welfare system.
The difference between fiscal & non-fiscal metering is when the measurement value is relevance to money.
built in stabilisers also known as automatic stabilisers/non-discretionary fiscal policy that automatically adjust for cyclical upswing and downswing imbalances in the economy. they are a form of fiscal policy which auto-adjust the economic imbalances without any form of intentional/discretional intervention of policy formulators. this id contrary to the discretionary fiscal policy, which involves active involvment of policy makers through the intentional use of tax and expenditure to regulate the economy.
Fiscal policy consists of deliberate changes in government spending and tax collections designed to achieve full employment, control inflation, and encourage economic growth. Discretionary ("active") changes in government spending and taxes are at the option of the Federal government while non-discretionary ("automatic") changes occur without congressional action. Discretionary fiscal policy is often initiated on the advice of the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), a group of three economists appointed by the President to provide expertise and assistance on economic matters.
Non-discretionary policies are ones that automatically happen. A progressive income tax and the welfare system both act to increase aggregate demand in recessions and to decrease aggregate demand in overheated expansions. Discretionary policies are those that the government chooses to do in response to conditions -- e.g. enact a tax rate cut.
the need for discretionary spending
The government can cut taxes. This would put more money into the hands of theAmerican citizens, which would get the economy moving a little more and allow business owners to hire on more employees.
deflicts are incurred during recession and surpluses during inflaions.
No one person decides which federal programs will receive discretionary funding during a given fiscal year. Instead, this is decided by a committee of nonpartisan experts from multiple fields.
Budget for a fiscal year is a statement of revenue and expenditure of the government for the particular year. If the expenditure is more than the revenue for a particular year, then this difference is called the fiscal deficit. If the revenue is more than the expenditure for a particular year then this difference is called the excess revenue.
Calendar month is taken into account from January to December, whereas Fiscal month or the Financial month is taken into account from April to March. Fiscal month varies with the Companies to what they try to adapt to.
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