'Non sposato' is an Italian equivalent of 'unmarried man'. It's pronounced 'nohn spoh-SAH-toh'. The feminine equivalent, 'non sposata', is pronounced 'nohn spoh-SAH-tah'.
A title or form of address used of or to an Italian-speaking unmarried woman, corresponding to Miss
anipantri ανύπαντρη
Colleen is an Irish word for a young unmarried girl.
Ragazzina is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "young girl." The feminine singular noun also translates as "little girl" or "small girl" in English. The pronunciation will be "RA-gat-TSEE-na" in Pisan Italian.
One unmarried girl is Miss. Two unmarried girls are Misses.
"Beautiful girl" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase bella ragazza. The feminine singular adjective and noun reference a single, unmarried, young girl or girlfriend. The pronunciation will be "BEL-la ra-GAT-tsa" in Italian.
An unmarried woman is called a miss.
nubileCelibe is an Italian equivalent of 'single girl'. There's just the one form to refer to an unmarried female or male. It's pronounced 'CHEH-lee-bay'.Non sposata is another equivalent. In the word by word translation, the adverb 'non' means 'not'. The past participle 'sposato' is used as an adjective, in its feminine form, to mean 'married'. An unmarried male may be described as 'non sposato'. Both phrases are pronounced 'nohn spoh-SAH-tah' and 'nohn spoh-SAH-toh', respectively.
Ragazza is an Italian equivalent of the English word "girl." The feminine singular noun also translates as "girlfriend" in English. The pronunciation will be "ra-GAT-tsa" in Pisan Italian.
A group of maidens is called maidens. There is no word to signify a group. A maiden is a girl or young woman who is unmarried.
she is called girl