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fuerte, poderoso/a, grandioso/a.

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Q: What is the word mighty in Spanish?
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What is the word 'mighty' when translated from English to Spanish?

== == Fuerte or m&aacute;s fuerte Poderoso ~ male; poderosa ~ female < poderAnswer: Mighty can also mean very, as in: He is mighty strong. In this case it would be translated as 'muy' or 'tremendamente'....

Was Freak the Mighty translated into spanish?

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Who conquered the mighty Aztecs?

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What is the Tagalog of mighty?

The Tagalog word for &quot;mighty&quot; is &quot;makapangyarihan.&quot;

Is mighty an abstract noun?

No, the word 'mighty' is an adjective and an adverb.The word 'mighty' is the adjective/adverb form of the abstract noun might, a word for power or authority.

What is the definition of the word mighty?

No, the word 'mighty' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun (a mighty storm, a mighty army).The noun form of the adjective 'mighty' is mightiness.

What are some synonyms for the word 'mighty'?

The word 'mighty' has as synonyms the words brave, courageous, strengthy, robust and vigorous. The word mighty can also have the meaning of wieldy or strong as an ox.

Latin word for strong?

There are more than one Latin word for 'strong'. It depends on what situation you are in. Some of them include: infragilis, durus, fortis, validus, potens (this is also used as a name) and firmus.

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What part of speech is mighty?

The word &quot;mighty&quot; can serve as both an adjective (e.g., &quot;a mighty warrior&quot;) and an adverb (e.g., &quot;hit the ball mighty hard&quot;).

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