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Q: What lesson do you think Bilbo should learn as a result of this capture?
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What are four events that followed the capture of Bilbo by the trolls?

Bilbo trys to steal the troll's wallet. They capture him. The company is also captured. Gandalf comes and turns the trolls into stone.

Can you tell me about a red cell's tale by Bilbo Blood Cell?

Just do your homework. It's not that hard if you listen in the lesson.

What is Bilbo's rescue of the dwarves?

Bilbo rescues the dwarves when they are trapped in the webs of the giant spiders. He is able to avoid capture, then drives the spiders away, before cutting the dwarves free of the sticky strands.

How does Biblo Bagins from The Hobbit get separated from the dwarves?

It occurs on several occasions. In the mountain being chased by the goblins, he falls and is knocked out and the goblins overlook him. In Mirkwood, the spiders capture them and Bilbo has to rescue them. Again, the Elves capture the party and Bilbo escapes, partially due to his small size and his magic ring.

Did the goblins in the cave get Gandalf?

No, the goblins did not get Gandalf. Bilbo's yell when he discovered the goblins stealing things was enough to prevent him from being captured. Gandalf killed a number of the goblins with a big flash of lightening.

What heroic acts does Bilbo perform in Chapter 8?

Bilbo becomes very fierce when he kills the spider who was trying to capture him. This leads him to rescue the dwarves by killing many spiders and leading them away. He becomes the dwarves leader, and they follow.

Where does Bilbo say that they should go from the tunnel?

on a travel

What was the one useful thing that bilbo learned as a result of his second encounter with the dragon?

his weak spot

Why did wood elves capture the dwarves and not Bilbo?

Bilbo kept from being captured by the Wood Elves in Mirkwood by using The Ring to turn himself invisible. He slipped in after the company of Elves that had captured the other members of The Company (namely, the twelve dwarves) as the Elves were escorting the dwarves into the Elven fortress.

Did Bilbo pray?

In a religious sense, no. In the general sense that things should work out, certainly.

How does Thorin make amends with Bilbo in The Hobbit book?

He forgives Bilbo for stealing the Arkenstone, and then tells Bilbo that everyone should be like the hobbits: more concerned with comfort than with treasure. Then Thorin dies. He is buried with the Arkenstone, and Dain, Thorin's cousin, is proclaimed the new king.

What is Bilbo and Gollum's game?

Bilbo said, talking to himself, "what have i got in my pocket?" (it was the Ring). Gollum thought it was a riddle and Bilbo decided to make it one. he gave Gollum three chances to guess and gollum lost after four. then gollum went "to get something" (it was the ring), and Bilbo thought he was abandoned and left with the ring on. Gollum thought Bilbo knew the way out and he wanted to follow him, realizing Bilbo had the ring. Bilbo saw Gollum racing towards the gate and followed him to safety.