According to the ABS 23% of people aged between 15-64 years have a Bachelor Degree or above in Australia
YES, Kenyan people go to university but not all of them .Some people they don't go to university because they can't afford to pay . The majority of people who go to university is low only 2% of Kenyan people go university.
Around 30% of French people between the ages of 18 and 24 attend university. France has a high tertiary education enrollment rate compared to other countries.
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what is the percentage of people who make it to the olympics
Tourist attractions
to get freedom Australia had to go to a war because people from other countries are destroying Australia.
I completed my Postgraduate in graphic design from Swinburne University Melbourne, Australia.
Yes many Australians that have the qualifications and the money go to Oxford.
no you have to go to Australia