Salary's and benefits
an option to pick benefits to be included in their compensation package
salary and benifits combined
This understanding will allow you to intelligently compare the total compensation packages of various job offersThis understanding will allow you to intelligently compare the total compensation packages of various job offers.this understanding will allow you to intelligently compare the compensation packages of various job offers
the wages and benefits an employee receives at a job...
In the USA, all employees in the same "category" have to be offered the same benefits. For example, in a large company, the 'Executives' can have a different compensation plan than the 'Regular' employees' out in the shop. But all the hourly employees whose jobs have essentially the same work content, would fall under the same compensation plan, even if their hourly wage was different. The key to categorizing employees is work content, not job title, or even pay rate.
Total employer and employee contributions are subject to an overall annual limitation. which is the lesser of 100% of the employee's compensation, or $51,000. The amount employees can contribute under a traditional, safe harbor, or automatic enrollment 401(k) plan is limited to $17,500 in 2013.
Total annual compensation would include base salary, any commission you would have made, any bonuses you would have received, and your health benefits package, i.e. medical and dental plan value.
The disadvantage of a compensation would be not receiving any kind or amount of compensation and you would not have anything in your hand. The benefit would be in receiving an amount of compensation for any reason or purpose and having some usable amount in your hand that you can use for all of the necessary living expenses and any thing else that you would to choose to use the compensation plan amount for.
Deferred compensation is when an employee is paid some of his wages at a later date instead of when it is owed. One would get deferred compensation when one has a pension plan or a retirement plan.
The phrase "deferred compensation plan" is defined to mean a compensation package in which the recipient will receive the funds at at future date. Examples include pensions and retirement plans.