John Brown University is located in the state of Arkansas.
John Brown University is located in the state of Arkansas.
Brown Mackie College is not a state university. It is a collection of for-profit educational institutions for career preparation.
Dick Brown has written: 'King of the mountain' -- subject(s): Appalachian State University, Appalachian State University Mountaineers (Football team), Biography, Football, Football coaches
Mack Brown graduated from Florida State University where he suffered an injury that ended any hopes of a professional career.
Florida State University
The only Ivy League university located in Providence, Rhode Island is Brown University.
University of Maine, Missouri State University, Baylor University, Brown University, University of Northern Colorado, University of Montana, University of California, Cornell University.
Brown university, bard, ball state, bacone, babson
University Hall - Brown University - was created in 1770.
Brown University is in Rhode Island.
Brown University was created in 1764.