if you write these characters in cursive this is how it will look: dongsauce
I would like one beer : bedde kaas beera ( in Arabic )
Well, in Islam, god in Arabic is الله so you write god is love, like this :D-> الله حب --however, if you meant god is "the" love, then you write, الله هو الحب In a religion other than Islam, you would write the word God would be رب so you would write god is love like this :D-> الرب حب-- and also, if you meant god is "the" love then you would write الرب هو الحب
Birds are often taken as symbols of freedom (and we have the expression "free as a bird"), but birds can mean other things too. There is no commonly understood symbol of freedom; that is, you could pick a symbol, but most people would not recognize it as a symbol of freedom. You'd be constantly explaining it. Personal opinion: I would think the best symbol of freedom would be no tattoo. It is hard for me to imagine how you could express an absence of bondage by labeling yourself permanently with ink that won't come off and that makes some kind of statement about you, instead of letting your own words and deeds make all the statement you need and letting your silence tell nothing. ---- My suggestion, if you still like to have a tattoo that means "freedom": take either broken chains, which is widely understood to symbolize freedom. Or, as an alternative, you might choose the statue of liberty. But this also stands for the USA, so it's not everybody's choice.
A cool Tattoo would be something that you like and care deeply about rather then Just some stamp you pick out of a random Catalogue
Whatever you would like. No one other than yourself should decide what you tattoo on your body.
Translation (I know): Ana a3aref (انا أعرف) It is more difficult to translate "knew" because no subject pronoun has been provided. (Arabic conjugates its verbs for different subject pronouns differently - like Spanish, French, German, Russian, etc.) If you mean to ask how to say "I knew", it would: Ana 3arafto (أنا عرفتُ)
The way to write it is: מלך דוד How you wish to transform that into a tattoo is your prerogative.
If your parent had a tattoo, it does not mean that you would inherit this trait. Tattoos are not inherited they are something that you choose to have done. Just because your parents like tattoos, it doesn't mean that you will like them too.
Tattoos, of whatever location, do not actually require maintenance. The above is not true. You should care for a tattoo behind the ear like you would any other tattoo.
"'Andak" and then comes the noun after it , like if you want to say for example : "do you have a pencil" in Arabic would be :" 'andak kalam? "