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Q: Who traveled in the Humboldt trail?
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About how many settlers traveled in the Oregon trail?

Over 500,000 people traveled on the Oregon Trail.

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Merchants like William Becknell traveled the Santa Fe Trail.

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What is true about cowboys who traveled along the chisholm trail?

b. They traveled along the trail in search of trading opportunities.

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the cherokes

How was the Oregon trail traveled?

by foot.

What is organ trail?

The Oregon trail is a trail in which pioneers have traveled in search of freedom. It was very dangerous trail back then.

What is the organ trail?

The Oregon trail is a trail in which pioneers have traveled in search of freedom. It was very dangerous trail back then.

How did the Mormon Pioneer Trail get its name?

Seriously???? It was a trail, and Mormons traveled on it, and they were pioneers.

What was Mormon Trail name after?

The Mormons, the religious group that made and traveled the trail.

How did the people go on the trail?

They traveled in wagons.

What was the name of the trail followed by settlers moving west from Pennsylvania?

When the settlers traveled the trail in the mid-1700's it was a little,old Indian trail. Then more and more settlers traveled the old Indian trail and the trail began to get larger.Soon enough the trail was big enough for wagons to travel the trail and then they named the trail The Great Wagon Road.