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Most schools are closed on holidays. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate holidays with pagan origins so some parents may chose to keep their children at home on specific days if they feel the class activities will be centered on such celebrations and no alternatives offered.

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Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses respect the law of the land that requires that children get an education. Most send their children to private or public shcool although some homeschool their children or arrange for private tutoring.

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13y ago

Some Jehovah's Witnesses can and do attend school assemblies. However since they are politically neutral and will refuse to engage in religious ceremonies they view as unbiblical, there may be certain activities they will refrain from participating in such as singing the national anthem.

If there is any religious ceremony to school assemblies it follows

that some Witnesses will not allow their children to attend school assembly because they do not want to share in what they believe is false religion.

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