Walter did not invent bubble gum, he just innovated it. Before he created his "Dubble Bubble" gum brand, gum was horrible; the gum was too sticky and it broke too easily. Walter created a gum that was a lot more resistant and lasted a lot longer, this is the first gum that became popular, which is why Walter is regarded to be the inventor of bubble gum.
Bubble Gum
Yes,Walter e. Diemer invented bubble gum on accident
Bubble Gum
mississippi jackson
Walter Diemer invented bubble gum in the year of 1928
Walter diemer
In 1982 bubble gum was created by Walter Diemer.
Walter Diemer created bubble gum by accident after he was toying with new recipes for chewing gum.
Walter Diemer invented bubble gum in 1928 while working as an accountant at the Fleer Chewing Gum Company. It took him about a year of experimenting to create the formula for a successful and long-lasting bubble gum.
Walter E. Diemer created the first bubble gum in 1928. Chewing gum was created before that.