No, diesel engine require diesel fuel. Put petrol in a diesel engine and you will destroy it.
If you put petrol in a diesel vehicle do not start the engine. Petrol will do serious damage to a diesel engine. You must drain all the petrol out and flush the fuel lines.
What happens is you must remove the petrol immediately. Petrol or gasoline will destroy a diesel engine.
Yes, petrol/gasoline will severely damage a diesel engine.
Who told you it is harmful? It is only harmful if it is a Diesel engine. If it is a petrol (gasoline) engine then Petrol is what it takes to run.
It will dirty the injectors a bit and run very rough,if at all. Still, not as bad as putting petrol into a diesel engine .
Petrol in a diesel engine will destroy the engine.
Yes, never put oil formulated for a diesel in a gasoline engine.
No, you cannot convert a petrol to burn diesel.
If you put petrol in a diesel engine by mistake, the tank must be fully drained before driving as they are incompatible. If this is not done, the vehicle will not run and permanent damage can occur.
If you use Petrol or Gasoline in a Diesel engine you will destroy that engine. That is why you do not use it.